Since our company was formed, innovation has always been a major consideration in the design and development of all our firework products. We are strongly committed to providing fireworks that are not only stunning to watch but are unsurpassed in terms of safety and ease of set up. Show designers, choreographers and field crews will honestly appreciate the extra engineering effort we put into all our products. As a leader in pyrotechnic design, we are truly redefining the way people shoot fireworks.
Vulcan brand is our advanced premium range of fireworks manufactured in China. It is highly innovative and renowned for its customisation and ease of use.
Vulcan brand is our advanced premium range of display fireworks manufactured in China. It is highly innovative and renowned for its customization, and ease of use.
Shogun's 1.4G Pro Line has the premium quality of Vulcan display fireworks, but is classified as UN0431 1.4G Article Pyrotechnics for transportation and storage purposes in the USA. Our 1.4G Line has a wide range of effects.